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But first check out my previous post What Do Integrative Dietitian Nutritionists Do?

1.)    We’re here to help and listen. We don’t judge you for the choices you make, we work to educate you, find interventions, and solutions related to your medical conditions and dietary choices. We are not pushing products in our offices, or getting you to sign onto a program with processed, boxed foods, or limited success.

We’re not about fad diets, we’re about quality of life, your dietary needs and overall lifelong well-being!

2.)    We dig deeper. It’s not about calories in, calories out, grams of fat and diets, it’s about function on a cellular level (do have you a micronutrient deficiency, enzyme deficiency, physiological malfunction) related to your metabolism and dietary choices? There are some additional tests we can recommend, there are some supplements that may help, and there are some functional foods that may be appropriate.

3.)    We are able to use our expertise in conjunction with Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT). RDNs are trained in clinical nutrition- meaning all medical conditions you are able to name (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer, etc..) affects nutrition status and our education and training specifically addresses the nuances of these many complex diseases. We can use this expertise in conjunction with a more integrative and functional approach such as yoga, supplements, mind-body modalities, and functional food preparation in order to address an individuals’ unique concerns.

4.)    Care is not generalized, it’s individualized. Are their emotional and stress factors influencing your dietary choices? I can help you work through those with mindful, intuitive eating while meeting your nutritional needs. My psychology minor helps me help guide you in interpreting thoughts and behavior related to your dietary intake.

5.)   We offer insight and clarification. It’s easy to be confused with all the nutrition information out there. The bookstore is overflowing with diet and cookbooks and you don’t know if you’re getting what you need, too much, too little or what the heck to do with kale and chia seeds. We hear you! I can take you on a grocery store tour, demonstrate some cooking tips and shortcuts or simply talk to you about your concerns.

We can explore your needs based on your goals, devise a conducive plan and execute it together.  I’m here to help, I love what I do and I care. I want you to thrive, hence, ‘Nutrition.Insight.Thrive’