November is American Diabetes Month, and the American Diabetes Association has declared this year’s theme “Eat Well, America!”
Did you know every 19 seconds someone in this country is diagnosed with Type II Diabetes? Nearly 10% of the population in the United States is affected by Diabetes, and another 25-30% have pre-diabetes or are at high-risk.
With all these statistics, sometimes it’s easy to forget about the day to day experience of living with the complexity of diabetes and difficulty in maintaining quality of life. There are so many confusing food and nutrition messages that individuals with Diabetes often get bombarded with, and I would like to simplify things a bit!
While we so often may hear discussions about the Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load (measures of how foods impact blood glucose spikes), I wanted to back up and talk about carbohydrates!
To learn more about carbohydrates, what foods have carbohydrates, and how carbs can impact blood glucose control, check out my article in Health & Wellness Magazine here!
Regardless of having diabetes or not, it is helpful to learn about quality carbohydrate choices and how they influence health.
Plus, keep your eyes peeled! Every week this month, the American Diabetes Association will be posting nutritious, delicious, healthful recipes for every day meals and holiday gatherings, with tips and advice for planning meals, shopping, cooking and serving.
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